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I'm Jewish and this is not at all a reason for pride in the society in which I live. We had a beautiful family and we were happy, but since Hitler took over Germany's power, we were always scared that someday, somebody would come to our door and send us to one of those places that I heard them are terrible.


Until one day when this really happened. It was a beautiful day on Monday and I was preparing to go to school when two beats in the door and a thick voice that echoed across the house : „Open, otherwise I break the door!”. We were all terrified. My dad went to open the door and then two soldiers entered the house. They started to walk around the house and took everything that was valuable and they took us with a car and packed us into a train with a lot of other people, women, men and children, the majority of them being sick.

And that's how we got here. When we arrived, we fleetingly savored the moment : the idyllic lakeside location, the dark, fragrant forest of spruce that surrounded us. Then brutal reality intruded and amid a flurry of barker orders, insults and blows from the SS guards, we were herded away to a new and perilous life as inmates.


The day after we got here, we were called by some soldiers and we were given the uniforms of each of us. Each girl had a triangle on the shoulder of the uniform according to the type of crime she comitted. We were Jewish, so our uniforms had a yellow triangle on their shoulders.

The next few days passed very hard because we worked from dawn till evening, we were not fed as we should have been and we were living in conditiont that were hard to accept.


One day, a doctor who took several girls, including me, took us to the hospital. She has consulted each one of us and she has put us in a bed and, then, she injected us a substance and we were all very scared because suddenly we could not see anything and slowly, slowly, I fell asleep. I don't know how many days passed until I woke up, but when I dit it I was in the same bed, but now, my right foot was bandaged from the ankle up to the knee. I started to hold and got a nurse who injected something into my vein so I fell asleep again. I woke up after a few hours and started asking questions about what happened. Other girls in the same room told me that these doctors have experimented with us, pulling our legs muscles and inserting pieces of glass or other objects to test the effect of antidotes.

Now, I'm sitting in this miserable hospital bed and I'm writing with charcoal on pieces of hygienic paper because when I leave here, if I would leave, I go to remember every detail of these terrible things that happened to me. But I'm scared because every day, some girls are taken from us and they don't come back. Many say they are taken to a better place, but I think they are being killed.

Oh, wait, somebody entered the door. I think I will die today.

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